WP Engine has a plugin called Security Auditor which logs certain activities to a site’s error logs. While it can muddy up your logs, it’s a great resource, but they only keep the logs for 5 days, so download them from within your WordPress site by looking for the WP Engine logo, and clicking “General Settings”.
The direct link is: wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpengine-common
Once on this page, look for “Web Server & PHP Error Log” (which is usually towards the bottom) and ensure you click the links that say “Live Site” to download your files. This is the last two days, but you can easily script if you know what you’re doing.
I’m not posting the link here since it has an API key, and I don’t recommend you publicly post the link either.
Alternatively, you can set up an Amazon S3 bucket to store your logs – read here for setting that up.
Okay, now that you have your logs in front of you, let’s get to the meat and potatoes. In the You also may not need zgrep
if your logs are not compressed by the gzip
program. If that’s the case, change zgrep
to grep
if on Mac using Homebrew if you haven’t set your alias).
This script prints the user’s email, time and date as well as the plugin that was updated. In order for the user’s email to print, you must have wp-cli installed for this to work. If you don’t, the function will print out the user ID instead.
Usage: printupdates logfile
Replace “logfile” with the path to your log file
e.g. /var/log/apache2/site.error.log
function printupdates(){ getlog=$(zgrep -vh 'scan' "${1}" | grep 'auditor.*upgrade.*plugin'); if [[ -z "${getlog}" ]]; then printf "%s\n" "No data found. Exiting."; return 1; else if [[ $(which wp) ]]; then printf "%s\n" "${getlog}" | awk 'BEGIN{a[$2];a[$3];a[$4]}{for (x in a) date=gensub(/.*([A-Z][a-z]{2}) ([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).*$/, "\\1 \\2 \\3:\\4", "g", $x); plugin=gensub(/.*plugin\":\"(.*)\/.+\.php.*/, "\\1", "g", $12); cmd = "wp plugin get " plugin " --field=title 2>/dev/null"; cmd | getline plugin getuser=gensub(/.*current_user_id\":([0-9]+).*/, "\\1", "g", $12); cmd = "wp user get " getuser " --field=user_email 2>/dev/null" cmd | getline getuser printf "\nDate/Time: %s\tUser: %s\nPlugin: %s\n\n", date, getuser, plugin close(cmd) }' else printf "wp-cli not found. Double check if wp-cli is installed. Printing user ID instead.\n" && printf "%s\n" "${getlog}" | awk 'BEGIN{a[$2];a[$3];a[$4]}{for (x in a) date=gensub(/.*([A-Z][a-z]{2}) ([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).*$/, "\\1 \\2 \\3:\\4", "g", $x); plugin=gensub(/.*plugin\":\"(.*)\/.+\.php.*/, "\\1", "g", $12); getuser=gensub(/.*current_user_id\":([0-9]+).*/, "\\1", "g", $12); printf "\nDate/Time: %s\tUser: %s\nPlugin: %s\n\n", date, getuser, plugin }' fi fi } User: myemail@gmail.com Date/Time: Feb 05 20:32 Plugin: myplugin User: myemail@gmail.com Date/Time: Feb 05 20:32 Plugin: my-next-plugin
I went through a few iterations to get this working perfectly. It will also detect if you don’t have wp-cli installed.